January 15, 2010


I can't even begin to describe how freaking fantastic this last week was. Why? I'm still not sure!

This is going out of chronological order here, but I'm going to start with my institute class. I knew it was going to be awesome, but sometimes I swear it seems like Brother Martin receives inspiration just for me. So my class this semester is Teachings of the Living Prophets, and we go through a conference talk each class. We read Elder Richard G. Scott's talk "To Acquire Spiritual Guidance". And one of the lines really impressed me. Spirituality yields two fruits. The first is inspiration to know what to do. The second is power, or the capacity to do it. These two capacities come together. That’s why Nephi could say, “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded.” So I shared my feelings on this. I thought, I want this! I've been going through so much, I have no idea what to do or how to do it, and wouldn't it be great to know these things? And Brother Martin starts talking about how we can receive this spiritual guidance. He said, "If you prayed, and you felt like you were supposed to go to NAU, but you can't figure out why, ask! You need to find out what you are supposed to learn here, why you are supposed to be here." And I felt like he was talking specifically to me, even though he obviously wasn't. And even though I certainly don't know these answers yet, I am starting to feel like maybe this is going to fit! 

This semester is SO freaking crazy. The first two days of class, I panicked. I truly have not had this much to do in my life. I have never had so much homework. If I'm not in class, I'm doing homework. But I love it! I love my classes-everything is so interesting! Well, except pre-calc. But I think I can be absolutely certain that will never be anything but dreadfully coma-inducing. But there's lots to make up for that! I have friends in most of my classes, and it's so awesome to be able to spend more time hanging out rather than stuck in my little 3rd floor box. And...there's a cute boy! A really cute boy. In my communications class. He's so much fun to talk to, and he's so nice. So this week's mission: Find out his name. After that: invite him to the Super Bowl party, maybe? Hmmm...

Everything is FANTASTIC. 


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